KIND Snacks Founder Daniel Lubetzky: "I wish I had understood the benefits of product sampling"

Republished from SamplingForGood Blog, Feb 18, 2015

In a rare opportunity to learn from the founder of a now-successful CPG brand, Daniel Lubetzky, founder and CEO of KIND Snacks, shared lessons and regrets growing his company in a Fast Company article ahead of the release of his new book, Do the KIND Thing (released March 31, 2015). 

A lesson Daniel shared is a typical marketing mistake we often see with new brands:

"I wish I had understood the benefits of product sampling. In the early days, sampling was a missing piece of my strategy because I viewed it as an expense rather than an investment. Around 2009, I finally realized that, given our products’ high quality and taste, letting people try KIND bars was the best way to build awareness. We expanded our sampling budget and the brand has grown fast and furiously since then."

What have we at DonationMatch seen sampling do better than other marketing?

  • Generosity & Reciprocity: Receiving a samples as a gift, especially when it is unsolicited, elicits a natural tendency to want to pay back the favor. Delighted consumers purchase products and share you with others.

  • Getting Personal: The ability to try something for free is more powerful than any advertising. If your brand can say, "when they try it, they'll buy it," enabling these experiences is the most direct path to purchase. Other channels try to drive consumers to real-life interactions; with sampling, you're already there.

  • Cut the Marketing Funnel: Unlike digital marketing, sampling can provide awareness, trial, and a call-to-action (coupon, email opt-in, or invitation to engage)—all at the same time. Remove any doubt about liking your product in one touch.

As a consumer, I can personally testify to the success of Daniel's sampling strategy.  I first tried a KIND bar at a 1 Million Cups event in San Diego in 2014 (startup founders are prime targets for convenient, healthy foods). KIND Snacks had shipped a generous amount of bars for attendees. I grabbed one for breakfast, and within hours I had ordered a boxful on Once that arrived, my kids dug in, and our home was never without KIND bars in the cupboard.

Having spoken to friends who have discovered their own favorite products through receiving them as gifts for sampling, this is a pretty typical result. Sampling is such a simple concept, yet a misunderstood strategy, that Daniel thankfully embraced in time for KIND Snacks. The question every CPG marketer should be asking is: How are we engaging consumers with our products in ways that compel them to pay it forward?

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